What is ADHD Coaching?

With increased awareness of ADHD, more adults and children are being diagnosed now than ever before. Coaching has never been so needed. Our ADHD can create challenges in some areas of our life and coaching supports you to help you have more understanding and compassion for your own ADHD. Having a better understanding of how our own fascinating, unique brain wiring works enables us to have more clarity on what needs to change and how to support that change.

Coaching supports you to feel more in control of your every day life. We explore the key areas of our ‘executive function’ that can often get in the way including organisation, planning, problem solving, emotional regulation and time management.  My aim is to support you to move forward and to have greater clarity on your goals, and how to achieve them.

ADHD Coaching is strengths focused, by recognising our unique strengths and abilities combined with building positive strategies and structures, we can work with our ADHD rather than against it. Our brains are simply wired differently and with better understanding and knowledge we CAN create powerful change.

Working with a professionally trained ADHD coach is different to working with just any coach. We coach through an ‘ADHD lens’ and understand the challenges that our clients face. There is no need to explain or justify how you think and feel to us, we understand and ‘get’ ADHD.

Hi, I’m Sarah….

I’m a professionally trained ADHD coach working with adults, children and families. I trained at the ADD Coach Academy in New York, the gold standard in ADHD coaching.

I also have personal experience of ADHD, and a shared understanding and compassion for where my clients are coming from.

I strongly believe that the first step is to understand our ADHD and how it affects us day to day, to understand what our challenges are and from there we can find the best solutions and strategies to help us navigate every day life to be at our very best. ADDers have incredible creative minds and through coaching and deep exploration we can start to understand how to support our brains to perform at their very best!

I also offer family coaching to support children with ADHD and their parents / carers. I understand first hand how overwhelmed and exhausted ADHD parents and families can feel and coaching can provide much needed support and strategies to bring more calm, confidence and success to family life.

In a previous life I spent over 20 years working in senior PR and Communications roles for international brands. I retrained as a coach and was working as a career coach before specialising further in ADHD. I still continue to support my clients in their careers as needed.

Please book in to have a virtual 30 minute cuppa and a chat with me to find out more about how I can help.

I look forward to meeting you!


Founder and ADHD Coach, The Redesign Coaching


“Don’t look over your shoulder or let fear and anxiety rule you. Go for broke. Let passion blaze your trail. Look ahead and pursue the dream that fits who you are as a person.”

— Dr Edward M. Hallowell