A Career Coach who understands ADHD

As a self confessed career changer myself, ex-corporate of 20+ years and advocate of creating a working life you love, I know how stuck you can feel when your current career or role isn’t working.

It’s easy to see another year go by and you are in the same place, change feels too hard. But the feeling doesn’t go away does it?

More people are redefining what success means to them. Being passionate about what you do and creating a work life where you can also enjoy living.

Work environments can often feel challenging for ADHDers. It is particularly important for those of us with ADHD to have passion and interest in what we do to feel like we can perform at our best. We may need certain types of environment or structures to be in place for us to find certain tasks more manageable depending how our ADHD shows up.

Often we work in a company or a role where few of our values are being met and our strengths and skills are not be utilised or appreciated. This can feel like kryptonite to an ADHDer!

Sometimes we can just feel so burnt out from our current work environment we don’t feel like we have the energy to enjoy our lives outside of work, this is detrimental to our health, well being and often relationships around us.

Life is too short to work in a career that you don’t love any more or is not serving you. Not having the time or the space for self-care, not seeing your family, being constantly on call.

‘‘Career coaching with an ADHD lens’’

A holistic approach

A career change or transition is rarely about just changing a job.

Change has an impact on our personal lives, our mindset and our well being. It is necessary to do a life audit.

What is working and what isn’t? What does the dream look like? What needs to happen?

We will look at your well being, how your ADHD is showing up. What would happen if you were feeling your very best?

What is out of balance? Who else is impacted? What else needs to change?

What is stopping you?

We will work together to conquer the fears that are keeping you small and manage the voices telling you to play safe.

If you have spent your life feeling like you have never reached your potential and you are capable of more, or you know your current situation is not serving you - when is the right time to make a change?


The Career Redesign Programme

Using a proven framework to support career change, 4 months of 1-2-1 coaching from a certified career and ADHD coach to support you on your journey to move out of your current unfulfilling role into a new career or business that fills you with excitement and joy.

Re-design a career that gives you your life back

and creates more time for living

  • Explore.

    Knowing who you really are and what you truly want in life will ensure a successful career change. We will review your values, your skills, your interests, your strengths and your motivations. We will dig deep to understand what is getting in the way, challenge your beliefs and tackle the fears that are holding you back.

  • Dream.

    Once we know what it is you truly want and want you don’t want we can be creative. This is the time to think out of the box and brainstorm a number of exciting ideas that could work for you. We will identify (following the previous work we have completed) which options will work for you, to take a couple of possibilities for further exploration to the next stage.

  • Discover.

    Finally we will investigate the top possibilities from the Dream phase. This is a creative and empowering process that turns your vision into an exciting career that compliments the lifestyle you truly want to live. We will create an sound action plan to make this happen, allowing you to confidently transition into a new career or business.

  • Live.

    When was the last time you invested in yourself? When was the last time you sat down and totally focused on you and what it is that you want. By the end of this programme you will have a better understanding of who you are, what you truly want, what makes you tick and how to build a new version of life success.

Whats involved?

The Career Redesign Programme gives you 4 months of coaching using a proven career transition framework to support you every part of the way on this next step:

  • 8 x 1-2-1 Coaching sessions (60 mins) with Sarah (recommended fortnightly)

  • Powerful coaching exercises in-between sessions to further deep dive and give you further clarity

  • Accountability check in’s between sessions to give you further support and help keep you focused

  • Personal access throughout the programme via email or voice messenger to ensure you are supported as needed

To discuss how I can help you please book a 30 minute clarity call!


  • I work with frustrated professionals in their 30’s, 40’s and 50’s who are looking to make a change in their work life. This could be a career pivot in the same industry, or a complete career change into a new area or business. A similarity of many of my clients is that they have worked hard to be where they are however they no longer feel that their current career or role gives them the lifestyle they desire or the purpose that they crave.

  • No. In my previous life as a coach I did specialised training as a career transition coach and was originally working with both neurotypical and neurodiverse clients. Now as an ADHD coach I have the training and knowledge necessary to have made the programme friendly for ADHDers always coaching through an ADHD lense, however using much of the same framework and incredible exercises that I used before as I know these help to create amazing results and transformations for all of my clients. You don’t need to have an ADHD diagnosis to work with me in this programme, you are very welcome!

  • A good coach won’t tell you what you should do, however will support you to create the awareness and claroty that will allow you to take the steps forward confidently. If you want someone to tell you exactly what you should be doing and you want quick answers with little exploration coaching may not be the right option for you. The success of coaching also come down to the client to put in the work. It is not a quick fix and there is no magic wand. In order for it to be effective it is essential that you are committed to do the work, and do what is needed to move towards making a change. Combining this attitude is coaching is super powerful. This is when the magic happens!

  • Yes. If you have the time to do the coaching and the work inbetween in 2 months that is an option if I have the availablity. That just means weekly coaching sessions rather than fortnightly. If you are interested in this option please contact me!

  • Not currently. There are loads of amazing career coaches whose focus is on this and I’m very clear that I work more from a psychological perspective to support clients in doing the inner work that is necessary to make the change happen. If you bring these to session I am very happy to discuss them, as I work more on managing mindset I have worked with many clients on preparing them for interviews. However I do not take a directive approach on this or CV writing. My background is Psychology and not HR.